DWI Intervention Class (32 Hour DWI Repeat Offender Program)


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This 32-hour DWI Intervention class, also known as the DWI Repeat Offender class, is specifically designed for individuals who have been convicted more than once of driving while intoxicated, leading to the suspension of their driver’s license.

Fully certified by the Texas Department of License and Regulation (TDLR) and approved by the Department of Public Safety (DPS), this class offers a comprehensive program aimed at equipping participants with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to make responsible decisions concerning alcohol consumption.

Through a structured curriculum, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the consequences of driving while intoxicated and the impact it can have on their lives and the lives of others. The class provides practical strategies and tools to help individuals avoid repeat offenses, navigate challenging situations involving alcohol, and ultimately lead healthier, more responsible lifestyles.

By completing this certified DWI Intervention class, participants not only fulfill legal requirements but also invest in their personal growth and well-being, laying the groundwork for safer and more conscientious behavior on the road and beyond.