Rise UP Speak UP Hands Color Circle

Rise UP Speak UP

Youth Awareness Initiative

Say it. Live it.

Bexar County has among the highest DWI rates in the nation. Alamo Center intends to change how driving while intoxicated is perceived through early and ongoing education. Our approach is to be a positive force in our community and a catalyst for culture change in Bexar County.

The “Rise UP/Speak UP” Risk Awareness Program is the first of its kind that aims to educate young people about how drinking can affect their lives. The idea was inspired by the “Red Ribbon Drug Free Week” currently presented every October in elementary schools around the country.

We have developed three distinctly different age appropriate risk awareness programs to meet the needs of today’s youth.
Elementary School
Risk Awareness through interactive skits and costumed characters.
Middle School

Live Victim Impact Panel speakers to form connections to the reality of drug.

High School
Staged DWI accident at high school parking lots involving theater students to play victims and real first responders
K-5 Elementary School
Elementary: Staged Skits
Similar to Red Ribbon Week that partners with the police department and McGruff the Crimefighting Dog, the Rise UP/Speak UP program will feature staged skits with the characters: Alamo Center mascot, Hootie the Owl, and his nemesis a skunk, Smelly Morreli.
6-8 Middle School
Middle School: Live Victim Panels – Making a Difference, One Story at a Time

Middle school’s Rise UP/Speak UP program will consist of Live Victim Impact Panels. These panels will feature speakers who have been personally affected by drugs. The purpose of these Victim Impact Panels is for students to make personal connections to recognize the reality of drugs.

9-12 High School Crash Program
High School: Show the Impact through Interactive Storytelling and Theatre Program
Our High School Program will consist of staged DWI accidents at the high schools and involve theater students. These students will be made up to play victims of DWI accidents. Students dressed as Grim Reapers will represent teenagers whose lives have been lost and walk among students and sit in empty seats during classes. We will coordinate with first responders to simulate an active and realistic experience.

Employs Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Employs Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Increased Learning Goals
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
Scope & Sequence Plan

Letters of Support

Click any of the images below to download the file directly.

Have you heard about the

Rise Up Speak Up App?

mobile phone
Rise UP Speak UP App:

Coming Soon

With social media having such a powerful influence on kids today, we are developing an interactive app that will be available through the app store. During our live presentations, we will ask students to pull out their phones and download the app on the spot. Students will then be able to answer related questions through the app.

For every question they answer correctly, they will earn points that go towards a rewards program to be used with partnered sponsors such as Whataburger, Valero, Santikos, Playstation, Xbox, etc. This critical aspect will keep students engaged, interested and, above all, educated on drug awareness.